Steps to get help
- Please check for the solution in appropriate page on This document, if not found please check on FAQ page on bottom of this page.
- Please check online version of this document here, there are chances I have updated it after you downloaded the theme.
- Please browse/search here for more how-to: ( There is not much content for now, but it will be added very soon.)
- Contact support here (Do not forget to provide your themeforest purchase key for speedy reply. )
Thanks so much in advance for cooperation!
Best Practice to customize theme
Few style changes: If you only want to do few style changes, I suggest you to use Custom Css box in Theme Options > General > Custom Css. (this will override all other styles and it saves in database so it stays even if you update the theme)
Heavy style modifications: If you want to do heavy style modifications, I suggest you to use child theme instead. A blank simple child theme is supplied with your download in Resources folder. Just put your styles in style.css file of child theme.
Heavy customization: In case you are a developer and want to do heavy customization, again I suggest you use child theme. You can read more about child theme, here