
Steps to get help

  1. Please check for the solution in appropriate page on This document, if not found please check on FAQ page on bottom of this page.
  2. Please check online version of this document here, there are chances I have updated it after you downloaded the theme.
  3. Please browse/search here for more how-to: ( There is not much content for now, but it will be added very soon.)
  4. Contact support here (Do not forget to provide your themeforest purchase key for speedy reply. )

Thanks so much in advance for cooperation!

Best Practice to customize theme

Few style changes: If you only want to do few style changes, I suggest you to use Custom Css box in Theme Options > General > Custom Css. (this will override all other styles and it saves in database so it stays even if you update the theme)

Heavy style modifications: If you want to do heavy style modifications, I suggest you to use child theme instead. A blank simple child theme is supplied with your download in Resources folder. Just put your styles in style.css file of child theme.

Heavy customization: In case you are a developer and want to do heavy customization, again I suggest you use child theme. You can read more about child theme, here

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